Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Motit'es to felfe~deniall. ofthe badneffe ofit, but none are willing to leave it, neither in affection nor action.. 3• 3. Looke on the right ~and ~ we want not c1ouds of examples ofthe Saints, who have denied themfelves for Chrift. Mefes denied the honours ,.and profits of the Court, defpifed the treafures of Egypt , refufed to bee called the fon ofPharaohs daughter;and chufed to fuffer with Gods people. Abraham deniedhimfe)fe in his owne bowels, in his only fon 9•1.7. Ifaac. Others left Ill/to follow · Chrifl:, as the Difcipl~s. Others have followed him ffut Dj'}.crnfo.- lcm, even to the crolfe. Others fold all to buy the pearle. Others lovednot their lives unto de~tth,for the tefiimony ofChrift•. Neither lire,.. nor fword, nor aQy torment coni d hinder the Martyrs fiom, €brill: ; they would fetch him OI:Jt·of the fire,. and exchange all their peace ancl outward contentments '.