Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

-~ 4_8_ ( _!_~e _Pbyftcilfn ~~~~-:- Vfe I . . Wi:ole me11,in mnft ,1an · 1 ger~ .;mtnru•u·l 1 ation of linne. Some qualrnes and grudgings they have : and .all men are finners, and crazy : but .them{elves are no great linncrs, or no greater then other m_en. Thus they mince and lef: fen their finnes. They are ROt ficke enough to fecke out to the Phyfician : they have ea-k enough yct,ifit would hold wi~hout Chri!t. Now fee the miferable and damnable efiate of thefe n1en. Firfl-, they are eaten up with grtping difeafes, and de.adly 1 pangs, and ye! feele nothing. Paines of finne are like the pains o~ fickn@tle :the le{fe fdt, tbe more dangerotlsand qeadly. . Secondly, as they need ·not the Phyftcian, fo ccrtainely the Phyfician »eeds not them : bee c~m e not for thetn : they have as much hclpe frotn htm as they feeke. He came not to call the righteous. He calleth and caretl-t onely theficke, and heavy