Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

. , Th~ Ph;Jicia~ Df SoH/~1. -. vy laden with the fenie and burdel'l ot finne. Let this .therefare ierve to convince thefe whole men, and ler them fee their dbtc, fo as they mayfceke to the Phyfici- . an, and not dye ienileife. The markes and ·fpots of a deadly. difeafcare thele :- Firfr, an ill ftom.acke argtt·eth · bodily difeafe do Spiritnall: If theW0rd, . (the. Manna fi·om . heaven) be btttcr, ifthy n1inde rife againfl: it, and the mouth ol thy !cule be out of taaf', . if thy memoiy_kecpenot the do~rrne 1 of G-nd, if by medit•ti~n thou·:! digefrefr it·not, and fo fcnde(t it I not into all parts oftby life,tbc:u, 1 art fick iudeed,thot1.gh.thob11ec1 · n1cft neverofo »'h'l~. 1 Se~ondly, when the body 1 confumeth, the parts ue weak- l ned, the knees .bowe U·nder a ·l ·l man, and with mttch ~d<Je he \ I draggeth hisJimbes a fttr him,:.. there is certainly a bodity dii·· . Bh ; eafe" , Vfo '· Sc:ethy fclfe nor wh0Je. Tokens of d::2dly fidmdle. ./ 1 2