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cafe, tl'lE;ggh there be_e no compl.aint. So in the fOl!d.e : . when men are weake to deeds of. piety, have no fi:rengthto conquer .· tAmptation, to fufter croffes ~nd ) trials ; , t~ • \V?fkes of charity, . ., meray,or J.\il{hce;but allfirength of grace teems to be exb~uGted : . \ he~e- is a danger~us difeafe:here may wee jwfUy teare a fpirttuall 1 / he!li~k.!, which is no faQner di(- . cernable,then dea.dly. · Thirdly,_~ when the fenfes fail~, the eye-sgrow dimm~,the ea res dull, it is an-appar~nt figne . ,"f a bodily ,or fpirituaU direafe. · ' A· fenflefiG! .rrian is the fickeft man, bec~ufe h~ is Gcke thour;ir he be not fcnfible. Even fo, , when the eye-firings . of the 1 ! .fonle are. hrokeJ:l, that tbcy fee_, not the bght Gf · grace1 . nor of , God, w hieh as the St1nne R:1izte6 rutsnd about; them ; the ea rei heare nnt the vvyce. fiilf God, the f~eling is Jone, t·hey ha 'fe n~ fenfe. e~fthe great ~lh~s a»d; wouilcfs. ~-