Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

wounds of .the luils efunclean- . ne~e,, drnnkei1n,e1fe, cov-etout: ncife; fwearing, lying, malice ag~infl Gcd and his 1ervants; nay, no complaint, btttrather rejoycir1g in thefe; neither is there any fellowfhip in tbe a f- Ame>s C.6. ~ .jli ·'l ion.r of lofoph: the {oule of 1 1 fuch a man Iyes very weake, as aman for whom the BCJll is. re:.- . dy to to I I. · . FoLtr-thly, difficulty of bres- - 4• thing, or . tq be t'!kea fpeech- { letle, is a figne ~fa dife~fe and 1 d~ttth approch.mg : So 1n the l foule,prayer bemg the breath of the foule,when a tnan can hard- . ly fetch.this breath,cannot pray, or, \V it~ mu~h adoe can begge tnercy, flrength, and ftlppl y of. crace ; or w ben he is fpeech.:. . leffc, aman cannot heare him whifper a. good and .Gvoury wor~, bnt all is earthl~,frui~l~fi~ 1 or hnrtfall ; here ts a ltvtng Corps,a painted 1epulcher,n.ot a man efa better world. : · Would