Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

5 )l The Phyjici11n ofSoulu. _·w oul4 men try themfelves by thefe nptes, , they would . foone clifccrne their l1ckndfe, andrunne ~t to the Pbyl.ida .~. Bat ob what an hard taske i$ it, _ tubringa 1.naR rightlytoknow ·his dl:ate ? A finger of.the body.. cannot ake, but men compl~ine and bind it up.But the foide J.ies gafping, and ther-e is PlC f~ch care,&.c. Thu~ nrt4t_i71ely of tne ·_Pati-. cnt, or party.fit.f0r cure. ~.!fir mativtly it is th(t fief<! m~m. ·~nd he is the Jick! 1nan•. that feelcs and gro~nes wnder ·the llaine and burdeg ~f. his fif!,. 1 he pci~:t this, . · I Sinne.is trre rnoit dangerous .: I ~ 'O flr .. fiickenefle in the whole. world, I 1 Sm a de- fc b""J f .t}'1=rare at)dfitlyte emtles oo1lyfick'c- ~ ~..~-1;kneff~. geffe : For, t 'ltd,m- ~ · Firfr, !icknefle come6 by inl .bJ~nce~ of, _;tCmDerance: thC temneratC bo-. • corporall . r, • r1 I and fpin-' dy is never fick: whtle 'Ye were J t~all -uck. .iH innocency, we were 1n found u~lfe. · . heal~~' bat thr~gh difi:~mpct. I -: rature·