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Tbe Phyjiei1111 ofSouies. 55 3 !ature in o?r natures·we we~ 1J1i 1u11 :; poyiened at tirfr,and ever fince ; ,. ptr•ttt~i"i' our t'innes and ·lufts conceiving, .j Socrates, bring forth fimae and death. And 1 ut cum tfas fome ftcknetles ile hereditary l }~(.114 pt.. and p,rep~gatecl) fo the fickneffe ! t':}a/e;1 ,. of. finne 1s ~ropagat~d from A .., i 1114jp{t Jam to all hts pofienty. ~and eve:.. ., nuPJqlfMII ry man hath · aeided to his dif'-· 1 · tt,g.:olatterit cafe by his owne wilfall tr:tn~ DJo,L;ter• .rr.. . l.l. gr"e.utoni · · "'Sccondl'y,(ickrteft'e weatcrieth the booy, and impaired~ thevi- · ---. gor ef nature: fo _9oth finne in the fonle: experience theweth, that a-fter fClllle {inne we very · hardly ;nd wealdy attempt any good thing for a long ·time~ -6in bath weaknetl tlie faculties, .. darkened the underfia~cling_, . c~rrupted ·the wiu;-difordered the -:iffc·crions : thence thi-sJick-. ndfe~ · ·. Thirdly, ,. '!ickenefe brings ' pain.e and torment iht:o the body : fa doth fin ne into-the foule, . firfr . or.latr: 1btr·e-unopt4Ctll ft..'