Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ll.!'ic~dmlln, bur terrors foule, horrors of confcienc.e, and de- ,fperate feares eloe ever ~ttend him. ·. . Fosrthly, . fickne£fe C0n·ti~·uiMg and lingrin~ on the body, threatq~th · death, and 'without time I yea re bringeth it ~ Sinne aliD, not remeved by repent;mce,~etla~tth ; and bringeth certaine death to bot'ly and foole . .:Fifthly, ficknctfe is gene.raiiy incident to al men. So the foules of all tnen are rlifeafed by fla- ! 1 ·ture; even the 1oules of theEI . lfct~ ~ till they· beehealed by ,Chrift. .And. thefe cliieafes are moft fe~le2and in~nr'able : comparedin Scripture te agAngrewe which iudd~nly eateth up the hod y, ~ Tim: l· I 7. and to· the ~ Leprojiq, the contagion \\!hereof not '1l1ely reacheth over all the parts ofaman, but to others alfo;aad for ~he elfect, catleth a man out ofthe Congre~a~iGn: ·: : Con- :'1