Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

The PhJftcianofSoules. 555 Conceive tben.offinne, as of a ficknefle, , and beware of it. H()w carefull are ~ife . mea ·of their health, to prevent fickenefie? and againe, .how foolifu and negligent are infinite numbers of people, wl1o are excec- . 1 1 cling carefull tf) preferve the V(e I. lhinkc of 11,ane a.s a iickncffe. :health of their bodies, yet think not at all of their IX'ore fonles, ~ w.hicf\1 ye·bn~i:f.bing offaO?en- \ tabledeaeHy dt.feafes ?·· WeH l ; 'w pr~vent b. eginnmgs: .breaJ<e off 1 I fin ne betimes ~ A difeafe fu5~- 1 reri long,grv\ves incur-able. I ' Others rria y leqrne to.groane Vfe 1 • under the burden of finne Lit- 1 Mourn for . tl:e iSJ the hope 0 f him, \V ho , as . it a<; fickc. . deadly Gcke, and fenGeHe of it. j ~~!f-jr.17 - It it t~e.liontrite h.e'll!1't. 1• and brn- 1 k!-n j}Jtr1t oneiy, that xs·capable of cu.re : on~ that · feeleth, _and cryeth e>nt cf the pafne offirme, crigin:ill and aeluall.,that teeleth the waRtcf.Chritl, and··prizeth him and his merits abGve gold filver, ~nd all. He muflbe ficke, that,