Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

5 ~6 Tb~ PhJft{i;m~fS~Hin• . -----------,-- that mutt -be well. Chrifi ean ~orke no cnre 011 a fottnd man. 'F~e· PafchaU Ia'mbe i~ to·. be tateB •ith j,itttr h.,rbs .: · fignify .. ing, that Chrift can never be !\veer, . till we have conceived forrow ~nd griefe ef . heart for ftnne. It is obferved of the Angels, .that their fin ne is not mentioned in Genefis,. hecdl!'ie they were not tebe reftored by repeatance; but the fume of mal'l is enlarged in all the cir-. cumftances, d1at he might bee . fenlible, athamed, and penitent I af his fin ne• .As in bodily cures, . fo.in fpirituall : the more fenfe of paine,. thehetter it is to be liked ; more then if the ·wound · fiJOl:dcl be ranckled, and ll:utfcd with dead Aefh .. A fenOetle lethargic is as deadly, as the moft tor~nting.difea!C. Cry tho~ · eut ~ thy pride, lying, dec£1- - v:in , fiyear:ing, other·finnes, as · ama ·iR paine, longing:afcerdeliverartce: fly .· as.Sair.t P~tul, 0 ;:\ '