Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

'Ih~ PhJfician1 SeNltl. S' 7 0 ~rettluJ "'"" tb~t J a111, -.h, Rom. 7·l·H . foal! J~li~er me from the herd] 1[ thu-dutti6! ·and, 0 tha-t I may never fecle the like paine a· gaine l . . Or if Chn!t l~.tve given theo \ 1'fo ~ ~ any eafe, or freedome from tin Vpo.R re• and lufl:s, magnifie his grace. covery How glad are m:cn when they glorifie have out~ftCi>od a b:>dily weake- <.:luHl .the _ I deffe ? H0w glad was D Avid P h1fictan. f l when he had beene fiopped in his rageagainfi :l(a~al? Bltf!ui S he the L'irJ., bleJ[ed h~ th] c1un- \ ~ 1:~ :.s. 'fell, Andlde(fed!utb :JN·, When Chritl: haa ·cured ablind man, he · · - followed·him, and prt~ifld Gr;d, and ~t!l ) the pefJp!~ pr11i[td him. likewife for what was done,. i;H~ 1 8.42 . And when Chrill: f ,had cafl: out the Divell. (chap. 8. / 3 o.) the man \voul& have follow~d · Chritl, .but he bade him goe to his.honfe, andfot»' '"h"t 1.re4t t.hing1 G1d- -had·Jont fo,. him : and he went his way, .and . preached thoJe thmgs threugk all