Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

rp ~= i 'Pay aad help out of finne. N tftll pr"~ ttrirt, drc. Herodet. Cfi1. ~. Fhyfici. an. Do[/. I Chrifl i5 the Phyfi. eian of fouics, all the- CitJ~. . · Againe, beware ef relapfes, bei.Ag far more dan;gerous then the firll: 4ifeafr!. Goe, and )inn~ n~m~re, ieft aU'orfo tbivgcom~ ur;tQthee. Bewue .,of occafioms of fin ne, eipeciilly wicked and I infeC\:io u :cotnpany: no plaguy l boufe{o klfectious as that:. La(Hy,pitty and hel'pe othe.~s. We defpife not,n~r !<:qrne, no-; . laugh at a ficke maH : . nor ·will one_ficke man fcerne another. It is thine ~wne caf~, ·ttn4 tny brethrens,fpirit~ally. Were it a jell: t~fce men dying?· no, 'We pitty them, \VC pray for theni, we doe them ·all flffices of charity : And io it {hould oe here. Hitherto ofthe PatientJ. .We come now to the P hyftcitt1l. The· Pliyfician is our Lor.d le· fus Chritl :as in the next words,. I came net to call tbe fighteells, but !inners to repentance. Ex16l.S. 2 6. j· Am the Lir4,tb~;,. h:a-