Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

---·-. ~---------- 119 -· ! The Phyjician of S.oHlts. - -- - ---- he;:t/tth thee. c ·od thallengeth this·as a part ofhis mwne glory, 6y ChriO: to healc us. Jo!J 5. x8. i He maktth.{ort, and bindeth Hp: \ he wuundeth,and hu hane{.: m~k.! , wh()lc. I?fal.tu~ 3· whohea/eJ thee of thine infirmities : and> : M~tl·4. 2 ofChrHt it is faid,that · hut!ing iJ· und:r hu ~.:ngs. For fir{}, as a skilf.ull Phyfician he kno weth every maRs- efia te ptrfef.ly : tee k..,nowetb wh.atui, m.~en.,.._Iahnz. fo cloth no other PhyGcian ; they can gheffe by infpe8:ion and fee fomething, but hee feeth ot1r iecret corruptions, in as muc-h as bee feeth our hearts and thoughts, and cannot be decei- \~ed. He faw tha woman at the Vv ell to bee an harlot. And, (MAtth.x6.7.) hefawtber,a-. (o11ing eftheir he-~rt1, when they th"ugf1t he fpake becaa!e they had no bre:td. SecClJ'ldlv,he knowes the cure as periec1iy as he doth the difea1e. Rtafonr. I . z.