Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3 The P!lyjiciaN Qf s~Hit.!. eafe. No Phyfician knowes all tlte vert~o~es of all -the limple~ .·. ana drugs he adminittrcth =- and ·belides,he is whGlly igg&ant of many. But Chrifl: ou; Pbyfician knowes the infa1libl~ worke of his remedies:. fo that, whereas it may be laid ef tnany yonng Phyficians-, they netd a nnw· ehHrch-yard,yet never any mi!- carried under hii hands, whom· 'he underteoke to cure. Of all 'n'hom thoN haft.(hun nu,.f have loft NfJIU. · Thirdly, as a skilfull Phyfician he prefcr1bed1 the fittefl remedies. fflr in his Word hee app()inteth phyGcke for every dif- .eafe ofthe foule j for pride, -envy, covetou~nefle, trouble of confcience, anl other. Yea,he · appoiateth:mo!l: proper rem~- · dies. What can be-more proper, to cure the corraption of our nature, then the purity of his ? for eur-actuall difohcdience, his aCl:uaU obedience ? f•r the guilt · and