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and curfe Gf ottr finnes,that him- .fe lfe was 11JAt.ie ~t c~~rfe forua ' · . Fourthly, as. a P.hyfician .pr~­ pareth his -Patient for bis phylicke, fo Chrift preparcth the party by faith to apply hi1 r medies ; by periwading the heart to beleeve, and to apply to the fore and weunded confcicnce, the praciou.sBalmcs whichhintfelfe hath prepared. Elfe, a, phyficke, not in the receit, or box, or cuphord, or pocket can \ profi~ unldfJ it be. ~pplycd and 1 recelved, though 1~be never fo ' foveraigne ; no more can thit. Fifthly, Chrifl gGeth beyonel all Phyliciani; tvvo waye~. .I • ~ IN the gemerality 1. of ltis cure. Some ~ifeafC:s are ·deCp~ f!ate,.Aild all the, phyftckc in the 1 world can hot cure rllcm, But . Chrifl: can cureaU: no difeafe . ; is fo defperate, as to foilellim. I l.ke fi~tteagainft .the h()ly Ghoft ·, is not delperate in ir felfc, rior . \ to him, but onely in the wilj11l· I lltJ~ - ~. Chrifis excellency abO"'CO• dler fhy~ fi~iJDI, , I