Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

z. - Tb~ PhJftcmn·-o.j S6u/e;. · I -- ------ ·---........--- ,efc of the party. This was fitffiaentlf teflified -by thofe ,pD_w:.. ~-Dfnll and mitaC!tllDus cur·es, witkh ne1Wlt"tmg~in ' the·dayes ef«his.fldb, httth:apon the ioules .andibmai-e · of·m~; calling out 'livels..by his Word, pardoning effinno_s; wnrkingfaith 2 · ·ciuing alLfiQloiatlos aadrtli~af es, TefroFrtgiill:;fem~ Jt!a and nrifing . 1 the dead to~ife;J.v-hich all Pny1 fieiatlfmthe. \VQtld coulrl not I do.tt ~.~Ana all this, that it might [ ·be.. 3ift~ :wl1i;qh is .fpcken . J./Jfll}y~t ~~!Se f/.DtJk§ uJttJinfirrmti~l~ 1PII:flbltN::e~ll-o11r jc'k.zteJf·es, badrbodit~and lpiritualL · l• · ,'mlthe drerdom,e t.lf his eurt. Fo~ nrH:; l;te :.nff~retb his l:reJpdand phy£1cke; even .daily m the prC:rehiqg':Of· a Go{l'tttl. ler. 3• z ~. 0 df;lk~dietn cfJildren 1'ttllt'ne;diui:l "rm;f/heale J8Hr rebtllitnu. This~Phyficia~feeketb tio~be pade.Plb. 6crcandly;· ~.hoe t1.lke~oti1mgfor .hisv()Ur.e ~ ·Ha{~ ·1· ~~T f*ltt.Ju:llle ptii · ~lltf/li6H! : freelY_: .