Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

; t i I Tht PhJJiciAn'of Siul~t. folft: !J;t in m; u tbJh-;lpt. We can furfet our felves in fi:!lne,and -- breedfi<:kneffe,\m.tcannot helpe .unr felves·. · .. ' The Pope by his pardons,maffes, pilgrimages., and the like cannot .cure lils. It is too great a . priee ~o paf. No ~upererogati­ ~ms or fatisfatlions can d0e iu. Who can forgive unnes, but J God filnely? Whe can remit a debt, buthe to wl)em it is due ? f . Nay, th'e Angels can conferre nething to tltis cnrtt: Jbe Lord ~~~er ·~s t~ehonouryfthis mercy to(himfelfe, to w~om .it is tP.r&p~r ,to fay ,I will forgiYe f!ps, C\Jid, h~ale rep~U~~ns fr~~ly. The . ~csr,yJl~llle :giv.en t(\c;hritl: ,~Y t.i1t · Aagels, aJld in hi~ 9r~~IJl­ ~~Qtt-by-ltisP~ents, w~s I~!us, and thtrt u »' 11htr n~mt tD l.t j8'11td "' ' t.AftJ t: l.'l. ~- . ~ _ .. o~i~Q . . w-a~ uqt PettragaoP P;hy~ciaB w~P-~.hehealed~ht lam~ m~ Af1.3·~1!dPhilf!;4~. ~r and P 411/,... wh~ cafl: out dt- ~ · · · · ' · · vets, ~----~~--~---------~