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The Ph;ftcian ofSoulc.r. 565 ------------------ veis, eA'll r 6.1 ~. Are not Mi.. nifrers good Phyfi<!ians,who remit and abfolve n1en from their finnes,and fave themfelvcs and others. eAiifw. The Apofiies in ail Others thoie places did what they did, her. le L>y I hi; venue in t 1e Hame, and by the power ~ind cc:m of Chrifl: ,· as is fornetimes ex- -,r. m!uton. preffed, Jn the name of leflu Chrift I cemmand thee, come out of her,&c. but ChriH: did , ~u by his owne divine power. And Minifl:ers arc Gods Pbyficians for his peopl~, but onely mini/lcria!ty, by power and dtretlion from him : but hec by propn· authority. , Pfl ?. E. ~er re~ paire to this Phyfici~n• · 'Againe, if Chrift be the PhyGcian of fo~les, let every one fee keto this Phylician: feeke to have the prefence and helpe Gf Chrifl:. If the body be fieke unto death) there is running and riding to the Phyfician, and no man is fo welcome as he is. The l; \Vorld Is ~B a common Spittle: Cc evcty - ---