Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

--- \ The Phrjici.rn •f Soulu. 1 \Gvery man it deadly ficke : it ftands us now in band, to get Chrifl to cnre us. Hracl, fiang with the f\ery ~ erpent~ , muU: only look! to the brtt:t': n Serpent, Nnmb 21.8. We are all as the \n1an f'!llen among thcteves dead- \1 y woundea. It ts onely thts i good Samaritan, that can binde \ up the wuund. Or as the poore man that lay at the poole 0f Betheida 3S. yeares, and could never find cure till Chrift came, I J~h . 5.) . And if we w(}uld be cured, we muft doe as the Infuabitants of Gene 7. areth, when I they heard Chrif't was there, they ranne about all the region; and carried after bim in beds all that were ficke, and difeafed, and he healed them all. Goe anv where elfe, and it will beP.tll y~~ as that woman (Marf?...:5. 2 6.) th~ t fpcnt all fhee had on I P.hy!ic1ans, and was ss far fron1 cure as at firft, till Chrif.t came and healed her. ~ · But '\