Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~--- ---~------ ·.l ~ - ~ -~":~!ftc~.c S•u!:''·_ 1--)_6!_ J .. t ~t hrifl:is inheaveo.-·bow Ol'ieB. f .iLa , i havr..' his preu:nce? f 'lis prolnife is, to be with his eAnj. I ,,_ utd by his Spirit and grace, l to the .:-nd of the world. Put wh-:::re may we have him? O:!_t<jl. Thon fhalt not miffe of him cA'n). _ia the midR of the feve n g()Iden Wh: re eo Candlefl:ickes: thou il1alt fin de m~ec t... • h T \. hlift1 r1t.m 1n t e _ emple teaching, as his parent• having loft him : get . thee to the }lep.r of the jlfJlk!s, CIf wt. I. 7. there thmt fhalt finde him at noone. The Word and Sacraments holily received, afford hi~ fpeciall prefcnce. And as the poore Cripple got d1re fru1n Peter and Iohn,l ying at the · .beatlltifull gate of the Temple,{o muft we, A a i. But I am fo weake and ficke 06iea. I cannot get to Chrift. The pcore maLt who by ~~In[. bonnd oH his bed, Gcke of the palfie,notable to l1irre himfdfe, got . others to bring him to Chrift, a.nd when they could Cc 2 not ...