Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

__5'_68_ l Th~ Thyjieiltn o(Soulu. not come neare, they uncovered the houfe, and let·him do-wn \vith cords before Chrifi:: fo doe thou in thegreat weakneffe of thy foule,and of thy faith! corn- \ mit thy felfe to fome faithfull n1en, who by their fl:rength tnay helpe thee ; Ivy their counfelsJ comforts, and -prayers, as by cords, may let thee downe before Chrifi, and thou fhalt get V/e ~. Make all knownc to him and innc•nhis h-:Jp-:. helpe, Let~) .2.0~ · . If .C hritt be the Phyfician, then being come unto him we !hould daily lay open ourf.innes, and our very hearts before him, with earneft intreaty to heale us, and helpe us. Vvee lay open all our fores andfickndfes to the. Plwfician,be they ne.ver fo fOLile and !hamefullinthemfelves, or in fhan1efull parts ; with the cau.fes., cccafions; and dfeets : we hid~ n0thing, di!f<~mble nothing, but confetfc all .againfl:_ otlr f•- lves: we put our !elvesinto the Phyficians hands, with \ I earnefl: