Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

7hc Phyjicittnof Sou/~1. ,__ 5_69__ 1 earnell: fuit-and large rewards to hclpeus, And fo onght we here for cure dve unto (_ hrift; confelfeaii againft our felvcs, entertaine no iecret and clofe fin : for that mav be the c~mfe of 0ur ! griefe : and never ceafe importuning him f0r mercy, till we ·· feele fome cure to eternalllife. If we were in d.tngcr to b ~ ea- . Un up with w Jrme s, as fierJd was, we wo:..1ld foarc no co~l,no pltn(:s, no praye~·s, but would h1ve the count:U of the whole CaHedg~ of Phyft.cians, b~fore wr;: would fo wretchcdl y end O~lr day~s. Yet o:tr care fptritually is farre worfe : fi!1:1~ i5 a worm~ in th~ confcience, an1 bath a poylonfttll fbn5, which will gnaw in the foule to eternal death. Thi<> wo:·m~ is in every m1n, comming of ,A dam, and none can cure it btlt the fecond \ 1 Adttm: for none but he knowes 1 \ t~ m1ke the confection, to kill 1 . 1 thi5 worme : And whofoevcr l Cc 3 goes