Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Th~ Phyjiei~tn ofSfJNln. that our eyes may be opened. Cry ont ot the fione of thy heart, aNd of the running ifiue:-s of finne. Get unto Chnh:, ·and touch the hemme ef his g.::rment (as the woman having the iffue of blood) and get cure. Hide thv finne with Ad.. tm, and there is ~o cure; no profi..,erit~ 1Vhi[e I held my tongu~,my 6ones ' . confumed in my roaring all rhe day tmg, Pfol 3 2. 3, 4. But the very opening of the fore is a part of the cure ; bccaufe the c0re <"f finne is let out by ~onfeffion; and, to -confef[t 11nd for- , fokt jinnr, is the way tc mercy. Confeffien which brings guiltineffe before nHtn,brings parclon and difcharge before God. And befides, thy Phyfician is of fi1ch skill & experience,as thou canfr cvnceale nothing from him if th0u wouldefr. LafHy, if Chrifi be tbe Phyfician, here is marvellous conlfortfor afflicted foules, p:1ined Cc 4 . and , -~-----.: 571 V[e4. (. omtort bv thi~ Phyfician