Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I The Phyfcian ofSoulu. I and pined under the burthen of !inn e. firfl:, he is a skilfutl Doch>r : he knowes all our difeafes, and the remedies: thou may 11: fafely commit thy felfe lnto his hands, as hi~ mother faid to thofe fervants, Ioh. 2. wha tfl ever he comtil1;;ndJ,thqt d~e. Simple obedience is required, without reafoning or enquiry.All his fayings muO: we doe. Secondly, he is able enoug~ to cure us, becaufe bee is God Omnipotent, able to worke an , infinite cure : and onely fuch a ll,hyGciancan.befl:eadus: forall I created power cann0t helpe I 1 us. I Thirdly, he is as willing to I ! helpe,as able : being amercifull High-Prieft, compa!fed with I infinnities, to hav~ compafiic-m ' · /,on the1n thatareoutoftheway. I How willing, w0uld a tender l husband be, to helpe hi5 wife i out of a deadly fickneffe ! no f leffe ~..,....._ _ _:_ __________ - --·--