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Th~ Phyfician ~t SoRle1. I 571 , letfe \villing _is Chriil: to helpe his Spoufe. ' . Fourthly,hcis ready to,anfwer · 4 . all objetlions. 06sefl. T. I am unworthy he fhould looke on me, or that 1 fh:ould fpeake to him. J No onwor 0nfw. Oh but be of good ; thiudiC: ~_.f comfort he calls thee Come to i o~ rs ' ~ ~ h ' b d ' '- hmda trie mt Jt/1 t ttt I~ our an· are FJeavy ' cur laden. Lookenot-fora merit1n M,a~1xh. s thy felfe, but in hitn whole mercy is.xhy merit. The poore worn an, having . the bloody iffue, 1 thought her felfe u.nwf>rthy to fpeake to 1titn, or-looke him inth~ face; yet fhe could cre~p~ behind him). and touch th · hem of. his garr.nent. -So in thy humi- f' Hty, thrn tl in to touch (by the k.and of t{;}y faith) · the hem of. his garment- : for-, fPh {oevcr t1uc-hed it,.-wM m-lie whole,-t.}'fat.- 14·· ~ 6 • . 06ie ~1. ·2. P!.-lt o!-I the grcat- :aeffc at:td m'l-ltitude of my fins; I is fuch, as ho / .r can I but deCc c: (rai:--·,