Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

- - 574 The Phyjicittn ofS6N/es• .... ·fpaire ofcure! they are deeply grounded inme,and of long coutinuance. Norrrul.. An(. Nodifeafefoiles Chriit: ritude of ];lOt P eter·s denyall, ne>t 7Jilvids clittafes: · murder, sot PAHls pedect.:ttion,_ nor gde.. ~nd blaiphemv, net c...5'vfllnal'f'ebs 'oufndi.e. J JJ' forcery can fay le him : not fiNs of a crimfoa dye : . if thy finnes be as red as fcarlet,he c_an maka thee white as fnow; Efa.I . Not· multitude ofdifeafes, net c()m- , ph:.:ac~ddifeafes,whichat=e mufi dL1 '1gerous in the body. It is all one -v ith him to forgive tenne thou1 ~nd talents,as one: to cure. dead! y fickneifes, as well as era-. z~nn ~ ffe, Ho(.14 .. ~. Long difeat.cs foylehin1 not, _who firer~. cheth out his hand an the day · I, long, if thou come in any time. ·' I G ·~ n 4 . 11 ) Sa ,rno t dren of ~my finne, My 1· -~_erJti• u ' fi;~<' e i£ gr~~ter than ea~ /;fl j~r- \ C(!J.ci, ..rt.tJg. gi1.-•en : this was a lye n1 . C 4m~. 1 I· faith Sair;t Au<~u/fine. ~ .. !- . obid1. 3· Ihit it is appointee! I I . , [t)I' all !Tiel7l one~ to dye : arid I a{!l