Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

· The 'Phjjici;~ ofSoulil. 5 7'5" am infinitely afraid ofdeath. Anfw. Thou haft a Phyfician De:tth cuthat can command death, that red by thi3 hath beene the death of death, PhyfiCLan and bath raifed him!elfe from death, and much mGre can and willraife thee, a member, From the dead : Elfe tbould he be ia'lperfetl: in his glorious body, which he will not endure. I O!Jicft. 4. But after death comes judgement,and how fhal · I fi:and bef~re the Indg-e ? eAn(w. Thy Phy!ician fhall !~d~':.~~t. 1 be thy Iudge : bee that cured 1 b!et. ciu . I thee, fhall cover thee : he that knowes thy debt is wholly paid , by his owne hands, ·mutt need~ acquit thee. 06ieEl. 5. Bttt how l11all I be regarded amQng thofe in£inire millions of men that fhall frand b-efore him ? . Anfw. Get faith'-' by which thou art contra ::led w.nto Chrift, and that thall be thy Inarriageday. A·loving husband .will be careRcrp.dl w c:ve ty loul p:. nicu . lariy.