Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

-~ - -- ·------- carefull of his loving wife a-bove tboufands.of others. 3 ~ Cure: HAvingfpokenof the1'4ti- ~ wi.erc. entJ, and of the Phyjci4n, · wee come ne\v· to the Cure, w hieh is; the third generall wherein ccnfider, . 1 . t. The confection. 2... The application. I In the eon[e[fion are, I. the The Con• Author, 2, the Matter, 3. th~ ! ~then ; Vertue. The Author mufi be. aman,and above a man. · Wh .fcAu- ·He muft be a.man, becaufe . rhor i~ a m:m had finne,d,. and mans na~ ' l ruan . tnre muft fatisfie: elfe Gods G ... t juHice and menace had no.tta~ ~ e ••• t.17 · h J h I kn place, Jn t 1 ~-ay t ou Jinnef} ;. thou fl:lllt d;e tl1e duztli~ Befide, the manner ofiatisfa{li~ on re quires hi~n to be a !Tl,an : be .c.mfe hemuft fubje~ himr ! felfe, both to the pcrfel'l- obedi- ' tnceofthe Law, and to the fizf.:. 1 ~e rmo I ~