Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

The Phyftci~tn ofSfJu.ft!. fering of death for f>U.r difobcdience. And finally, he muft be tbe feed of the wom4n, that mutl: brui{e the Serpents Read ; that ,is, a man fpotlefi"e, innocent, I pure, one that needs no medicine for himfelfe. He mn~ be I a.man ofAdam, but not 6y /.[... tl~tm: even borne of a Virgin, I w fl:op erigitull fin in the ccllrfe · of it. ' EutwithaU,he muH:beabo~e Andyet , :11man: even our Emanucl, _,Efo. bove a I r: d . h ha 1 man too. 7·14• ,1fJ. wtt m: . ye~~ t t OurPhy· great lth1el and -Vc~l, Pro. ~c. ftcian mu I • a ll:rong and tnighty God : be God: firft,f:)r the proportion betw'een why. the finne and puni,ihment j the I I Gn~e b~ing infinite, fo alfo mn!l the pumfumcnt be: which none but ·aniofinite perfon could fu':" ' fiaine. s~condly, he tnull: be God manifdled in the fldh, to , remove thufe infinite evils 'vbkh attend liflne,Gods \Vtath 1 and Sa tans pow~r, damnatign, ,deatb,&c.All this mufr our PhyJ fiCian ,