Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

---- - ------- fician doe, by his lowefl: abafement. He muft fatisfie Gods ju6Hee, appeafe his anger, triumph againfr eue·mtes of falvation, fubdne finne, foyle tl!te di~ vell, . everceme death, dilcharge all debts, cancell all obligatio~s and hand·writillgs alainft tu, and after all be.exalted to gl(try. Thirdly, he mblfi: be Ged, to prccare us tho!e infinite good things we need, vi:c.. T·() reftore •ts Gods Itnage loft, and with it rigllteoufneffe and life eternall. To defend foule and body againll the world, the divell, hell,andall.enemies. To . re~over us to an excellent and nrme etl:ate offonnes, by adoption, by meanes efa la(hng an4 eternall covenant. And to lead u.s into eternal happine1c, .as our great r~fou,a-,· into that good Land, that Paradiie or God, whence the Divell and our fin · hath ca!l:"us . Thus of the AHthon.:_ Next