Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Th~ Phyjician of Soul~s. Next the M~ttterofthe Cure, ana that is the Phy£.icians ewne blood, by \vhich is meanu his wh0le Paffion, I P~t.z.'I9. BJ bil flripe.r 71'e l!lre lle11l~d : his fickneife bring! us health. It muil be by 6h,J• . All our ·· ranfome m1:dl: be paid by bltl~d : for wit hottt jherltli11g of /,/Qod ther-r. is n? remijfio11 'f jnnes, I-leb 'I 3 I. And it ~m1Cl: be t?Jy bu blood,~tet tht blood of bea{b, whichoHly fanctihed outwardly in refpeit tJf'the CemmaNdement,andjignific ati~n, Heh.9.Il.'!.O. butthis blood is the laYer, which purgeth away all finne ~ Not the hl0f;)d or' 4iaints, Martyrs,and halid! men can make attonement,.. but onf"l r his blo(}d whtch removc:th the cnrfe of the Law, by fat isrying fOr our fins, whxch ~pens heav\,;PI now fhuft:~pon us~ and chraifl <:s a. perfcct'redemp· tion, .He6,9.1. 2: Ne-xt tbt Vertue and Precicuf- ,