7 he Phyfician t;J SoN!es. inuc and · . preciouf- ottlnelle of this Cure : Oh it Retfcinf was a pow~rfull and precious rcfpelb. blood . ! . and. that in five re1petls : I: .. 1 • . In refpe :l of the quality : .. lt: ts the blood incr;rruptiiJ/e : All othetr difeafes are cured with ·, c.orruptiG!e things, but this is ~ppofed te all corruptible things . tn the world, I Pet. 1. t 8. Tee AP'"c not redcc.med with corrupti6/e thingJ, .. hut "tl?ith the prccl~us . 6/oed ef!efsu Chrij}. 2. In refpett of tbe perfon: it was the hlo~d ofGod, Aff.zr:J.z&. and therefore of infinit~ merit and price to purchafe the whole . Church. : · 1 3. In refpetl oftbe fubjctl: ef 3 it :no other cure or remedy can · reach the 1oule. , All others drugs conduce for hettlthfuli life, and worke upon the body : but this m:1kes for an h8ly lite, ana work~s upqn the toule, the ficknefle whereof the m oH- pre- · £ious thing in the wvrlQ cannot c:..tre.