Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

The Pbyftei~tn ofSoule.r. care. Mini!l:er to a wounded fpirit AHrum p1tabile, Bezoar, Alchermes, dnlb of Pearles, all is in vaine; it is onely this blood which heales toules and fpirits. 4· In refpetl:ofthe powerfull effecb.of it, above all other 1 chlres in the world :. for firG,they may frame the 6fJay to iome foundnefi~· of temp·erature, but this makes. (oundfoulc .r, accor- ' ding ts the confotmity ef Gods Law. Secondly, th~y maypre'- : ferve natur~O life for a while, i but this brings a Jup~rnatura/1 i life fC)r ever. Thirdly, they may J rdl:ore O:reng~h and 1J~ttnrt Jel ctJ,-ed ; but this changeth and bringethin antw nAture, accor- ' ding to the fecond AJ.,.~n. I Fonrthl y, they cannot keepe a- : way death approaching, but this makes immfJrtllll. Fifthly, they cannot raife or recover a delld ma», but this raifctll both de11d 1 ;, ftnHr,deadinfoule,anddeadjn j #ody. · I.afily, . 4· Powerfull effeCts d it