Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

- -- S· V(e I. Extreme mifery ~y .finne fet forth kcteby l.afily,in refpeCtoftime. All other phyficke is made cfdrugs, created with the world, but this was prepared before the feundatlon of the world, I Pet. I. I 8. Againe, all the worke of all other phyGcke is done it'l death : but the perfection, and moft powcrfull worke ~f tbis is af~er eleath. By all this take \V.e notice of our extreme mif~TY by finne :- feeing nothing elfq can cure us, bat the blood of the Son ne of God. Gold enough can ranfome the greate!l: Potent3te on earth : bt1t hcreJ_nothing can due it .but -~ the bloCJd of the Kings fonne. · If we had fuch a difeale as n()- thing bwt the heart-blfl)od of our dearefi friends alive ( fuppofe oa-r wife, htub~nd, tnother, er childc) cewldcureas, what an hopelefte and defperate cafe were it ? it would amaze and aftonitn the !toute!l: heart. But m~h more ni.lay it fmite our hearts, 1