Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

The PhJficinrn cf SoultJ. S8; hearts,. t 1·1!t we l1ave fach a difoa!e, as nothing elfe but the heart-blood of the SenR~ of GGa can cure. Looke up<:ln the, Harred oi execration of _thy fimne -1~ this j; fin hereby gla£Ie. If a'IY thing can W\'rke I wr cughc. the hatred of !inne, this J:nay : I I T 0 lee the fire ot Gsds wrath kiNdled, and nothing but this blcod call quench it. .,. . To !ee ~ the aeadlineifc of the dHeafe ia the price of the phyficke, and the dearene!fe .Jf tlw remedy. 3 3. The danger of finnin~ again! fo precioug a blqod: for if .A hell blo0d beir1g fhed cryed from earth for vengeaace, mlich mere will this blood trod ander foot. But thofc nevep {aw· their Who Ga fin ne i.1.1 this gl:tffe, who. con- in this ceive the cure as- eafie as the refpe61:. turning ofan ha1,1d, a light Lord I • h~tf# . mercy, or an holltre ef repentance at dea~h ; and have Ii.. ved in finne, and loved their 6nne, as if there were n0 dan.. ger