Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ThePhJJe'tanofSoule.r. ger in it; paffe away their daie!, and live in ignE>raNce, {wearing, eumng,Sabbath-breaking,Iying, covetoufnetfe,. filthinefie, and :dlunrighteoufneffe ; whereas, had they eyes to fee, they tnight out uf the price and greatneffe of the remedygather the danger and defperateneffe of the difeafe. For all the earth-affords . not any herbe or limple, nor drtig oi thts vertue : bot the Sonne ofGod from heaven muft lhed his blood. Nay, all the mell! on earth, and all the Angds o fl heaven could not make a confe6l:io·.~ to cure one fianc, or !inner. Neither any of Sal~m!Jn! foolos, whomak._e a m~ck! of jfnne, ever ia\Y tt in this glaffe. Is it not extremity ef folly, to make·a tulih oflinn~, and to take pleaKtre and delight in it ? 0 t confider intime, that the fin ne thou makell fo light of, colt Chriil: deare, and tl:te lea!l: finn~ I tholl ·