Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

7 he Phyjicittn ofSou/e.r. thou delighteft in, mt.ill: either coil: Chrifi: his blood, or thee thine in endl~ife torments. It is no fafe feuing w i~h edged tooles, and -tG cafi darts and ~re-brands,and. fay, Am I not in Jefl:~ In this CNre we may obferve a world of wonders : . Firfr,~onder and -admire this P hyjici~tn, who is b0th the Phyfician and the Phylicke. \\. ii ever the like heard of ·in all-nature? ~ · ~ Secondly, admire the clnfeElion : that .the Phyfician mufi: temper the remedy cfhis ovr·n~ hoart•blood. . He ·mutt by paffion be pounded in the m?rtar of Gods wrath :. hCJ mtdl: be bea-- tcxn, 1m1ttel1, fpit upon; woun.;:. ' ded, fweat water and blood, be trodden Qnas a \Vorme, -be forfaken of his Father; the Lambe of Ciod muft ·be flaine; the jufl: fufter for the unjuft: DoeR: thou not here 'fiand and wonder ? Was 58s j_ P'fe'~ l\ world of wE>nders in thiuurc I ~.