Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

J ,_ ~ S~Ao-1 -~b_:_ P__h!!:_~~~ of StJr:_l~~·._ ~ I W ?S there ever fctdl a Pn::~ed ._n~ .in rbe ~vorld, th::t_t the , VVeU.)!.;1A'··,.:w -: ,_, 0'1:: 1} :lU .. ;,ht{d l heaic antt.tr.'-·· .. _ ~ :· r L.; 1-.':1 , r lthat the wo~i. ~r- :;t q :il.pt"'me l lhoulrl he 1.... aL. hi., r;~ :1 •,;.,, . ). ~ I diets ? The hcaYt:"ns futfc -. 1· 1 1 darkene.ffe, the carrh qual< et , the rockes rc:at a{ander, the graves opened, the dead arole, I to (hew_ the admirable confedion ofthtsCpre: and are we !enf: I. ~ Jtill? . ' ' 3. ThudIy, admire the po'lt'trof weak,:.,ejfe ,and the Omnipotent worke of this Cure by centra- , rie~, as in the great worke: of Creatien ; there the Son'ne, ·of: GQd made all .thing1, ~ net) outof fom~thing,. but.out of n0thing: fo tn thjs great worke {)f our C~re· by Redemptien,he works our 1' 6 , pot by his life, but by his own ~ death : he makes us inftnitdy bappy,but by his ewne . infmit( mifery: he .opens the grave for u~, by his' ewne lyi~g lll