The Phy/ician ofSo_Nlu. /or minerals in the bOwels of the earth could fave one {eule, nor all the wealth in the world cure one !inner, but ,onely this blood ofan infinite price, pGwer, -and merit. Here was arich and free _ mercy, to part with his owne · life, and deareft pledge of his l()ve, and valuntarily ii1bmit himielfe to death, which was of m~re itrength then all the lives of men and Angels. Wonder. Fifthly, admire his mlltcble:ffe love, who to fave our fowles made his foule an offering for finne, and bealeth ottr wourids by his owne O:ripes. A Phyfician llieweth great love,ifhe take a little· care abeve ordinary, though he be wel rewarded,and mad~ agreat gain er by it." Eut this Phyfician muG: be a lofer by his love: he muft lofehis glory, his life: he n1utl: lofc heaven, an.d happindfe,and all, and b~ yoncl all this be unmatchable m abafe-