Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

5 92 The Pln.fci~tn 1{ Soulu. t~at Ie.ve which isfeuAd, is like hts,e.-en jlrenger then tltAtb, Se 8f the Cure in retpe.ct: ef the ConfeDion. · Now we are to confldc:r it in theApp/icAtio,.F.,r,what would it aYaile, to have the mofr skilhdl and carefull Phyfician, and the mG!trare, proper, aMd powerfnll medicine under the Sun.ne prefcribed by him, if either ir be net for me, or not applyed to the difeafe er fore ? And [o our heavenly Pl1yfitian hath taken care, not QRclf for Jir,Cii~ ~n and &onfeUi•l'l, bat alfo for ~tpplicatioll. Medicines muft be received~ fQr \VC mufl:not looke ta be cared by miracle, bLit ~,.y meanes. Where confider, 'I . The perfona te wbom the cure is applyed. ~, The meaneswhereby. ~. Thr time wheN. For the perfens,theText faith, all that he ftck! : thaf is,ferJ!ible, and langttifhing under theirfidc- ~fte.