Tht P6 )Jieia,.of Soules . - JJeffe.AndP[a/.r 4 7. 3 .He he~,/-eJ thofo 11re /Jrof~l" in h8~rt, nnd llind.t NP fore J. . Fe~ the meane~ 'Yhc~ebythe I "?w llp· curets applyea: 1t u fatth: we phc-.rtiou mail brtng faith to be healed. 0~ ~he ~e Chrirl: required tnens faith, in dlcmc 15 h 1. f 1__ • L. .J· h mad:. ea mg o tuctr k10~aJes ; muc more mufi: we' brit1g it to the cure af•nr foules. By faith I mcane nptciA!l ~aith,which isnot Faith, Jt ;~ whu. to know Chrift byflorically: for f~didmaAy (Joh .'l.) towbem Cluift weuldnet trull: himfelfe: vi~ that he is the Son cf God, whg fhed his blood,and died for !inners : for this, the Jive/J htleevt,flnd tremhle. Neither is it onelyto beleeve nim: the Iews heard him, ·faw him, beleeved many things to be trtte, but received him not. But, To beleeve in him, fiands in twothlings. Firfr, te receive ant!' apply him: for ,to receivt Chrifi, . and /g/ttve in him, are all "n~, loh.t. I z. fo m/In} .u recei,;td ' Dd 3 bim : I.