Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

S9i I. The ThyftiAn t~fSou!n"-. l bim: But wh" were they ? fl tfJIIInJ M 6e/enHd in.hi! N amc. ~~coadly, to truft ancl rely en hi.m forcure,and {alvatien:CAn. S. the 8poofe ltAnes «Dn her wel- • etlc-v-ed. Artd t~at We"!nay not be deceivcdtn it, tlAis Euth bath twe qualities : I. It n:mfi be proper : 2. Impropriato ChriO:. · F irft, it muft be thi11e owne proper fpeciall faith: Hab .2.4. the ;Njl mAn lives /,y NH6WIIt {tf.itb. The PhyficiM makes hi1 lvhelc coftfc:Clien widto.nt thee, hot calleth thee iPI to the "!Pl;- l ·c,tiln: ant:fnonecan apply this medicine, lmt thine owne faith. 1It is no i•!licit faith .of thine i· own,nor the faith <&ft11eChurdt. I withgut tt1ine owne, that tha~t , c~ntllive bytThe Miniftcr$ may leave it with thee, and declare it, bnt thiAe owne faith mlllt 'I'Jlly it. Foolith Vir-gins they are, that thinke te be raeeived vvith the oyle in the w1fe Vircins lamps,. when their owtte is it.,cnt: