. Tbe Phyjician •f Soulu. f . 1 Rot 11eetl it. If dlou be eft not. 1 --- perfect, thou haft no caufe to· renounce,bl1t embrace it. Con1e i ficke as thou art, come \veary, l C()me bntifed, come ~e{pairing .: in thy felfe :it is a rnediciHe fQr , the ficke, a refrc&ing of the weary, a builder up of the'Dro.. · ken fpirit, nay, and a qaickener 1 of the dead. Here is that tree of l life,the letwn "P~I#r1o[ doe heale r the natuJns : Let not thin~ owne > , I unbeleefe be as a lhaken f word in thine vwne hand, to keel'e thee from it : Remember the Text, Tbt -wh1le nuJ not th1 P hyficidn,lntt they tiJtft If re fickf • . · . Againe, ieein~ there is A time Vfo 2: to he Ale, egme in fca{on : i 'ecle f. 3. 3 neglect l'lt<Jt the opportunity: get into the water, fo foone as the Angell moveth : make benefit of advantages, \vorke withGod and the means, accept the offers and invitaticms forthincowne welfare. Thou mayeft feeke ~yle too late, bleffin