Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Tbe PhJficiAII 'f Soules. 6ex 1kleevers, applying th~ L~w and threatnings to their owne deepe humiliation. No man can 1 faile to heavcn . b~t by the gates . ' of hell. I 2 . AsPhy!ickekindfywor~ 2 king delivers the party, JIOt on1!' ly ( romdeath, but fuch hwtmars ·as were the catrfe of his lickenef'fe, at Ieaft: tha~ they be not predominant ; Even fo mull this Phyficke rid us efoar finnc, 1 ani thefe peccanthnmorswhicb . l were the matter of our fickendfe : and that,_. both from the c~ndemnation:t and eurrN/'tion of them : 1 John I. 7. Tht 611Jcd of Iefu;· Chrift,hu Soline,purgeth m frt~m~t//jimu. . Firft, from the fkndcmn~ttitJJI Co.Rdcns; of finne :· this blood is lhed for j nation of the remi:,Tion of finrres: G~t/;~t ·1 fllf-pprgcd 3. 1 3- C hrift redcemeJ ~ fr;: away~ the curft ~f the L4-w, llti1Jg m~tde" curfe form. Otherwife it snt1ll be with us~ . a' with him . wlto.