Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

who in a defperate difeale withoat Phyficke mull dye. _ Secondly, from the corruption offin ne : bcKh the difea~ of naturall and originall finne, and the lepr f~e of aliuall ftRnes. NG.W lool{e into thy felfe, Cxft- .mine 'N1 e..l e~/ this blood be a f corro "e in thy !oule, to cat ott~ th: cerrup,tis of nature ; whether it: pur..ge the confcience 'rJrt~m de4J work_ts, He!J~-. 9· I .f· yvbether it hath quitted thee, a~ \V ell frotn the dominion of tinne, . ~s from · the JAmnm.i~n of it ; vthether it hath brought thee to leave finne, &c~ Reaion with the Ap0ftle : bath Chritt dyed to kill fiane in me, al!Ki !hAll I live tG quicken it ? Nay rather, as I Peter f.l. {t1r4 11{mucb. M · Ckrift hat~ (stjfored fa_r HI in tbefle/b, 'l'Pe ?nuft arme oNr fc!uerwith the fame minde :. fur thAt hec r~hich hAth fuffered i~ fhe flefo,., hat~ ceafod f~o~'1 . ftnn~. Thirdly~ ..