..-------- The Phyjic#~n Df S1H!1J. _ €OJ -- Thirdly, as ·phyficke is profitably applyed, when it bring$ cafe and rel\, having carried away the matter of the paine: SOi~ this phyficke well applyed, when faith quiets the he rt,. by :dftuing it that Ckritt a~d his benefits are his, aud ha h iet him above the La\v, finne, hell, deatk, evert in this life, as a ~onquerour ; and all this, be.. caY{e he belee~es the Go!pell. ~low com.~ in JUA&c of confci- .ence, and joy in the holy Gho£t lJthtfJmt, yee r~iiJC' 'rPith iDJ u"Jfje4k.!11ble A-nd [HII DJ gl~ry,. 1 Pet. r. S. When thefe take plaoe in A:ead Gf fermer grif'®s, and· tl:ings;of confcie:aGe, thi= blood is fout~dly applyed·. For a! nothing ceuld oure the fiung Ifraelites~. but the bc;hglding of the brazen Ser~erit; !o nothing can.pacifie the flung oonfcience. but the blood of Chrifl; llftcd on .'- · th-~r~~~~- -·- ~-- --- ~.As. 3 I