Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

'04. Tlit ~byjii:llln 1j Sf~t!t~. Pfe4· Preferv<: hc:.lrhof foole,oqcc 1 ohtain,d. 4-· As after application of proper phyficke wee finde a great change in our bodies, as if wee had new bodies given w : f'.rl after the kindly worke ef this phyficke we may finde our f~lves cafi into a new meuld ; this bleod applyed,., makes us ne'WI CrrAtures, new men, having newmindes, new wils, new \vorcil, new atfed:iens, new achons, new converfations. Ot1r ftrength is renew~ ed to Chrifiian actions, and paffion. Wee are fhoNg fsr our journey, for our c;6mbate, and: Clrong to arry bard ens, with a . ftrong appetite, and digeftion of t~e VJ ord : every way more · hearty and che~refull. 1 hus hav-ing received onr health, by meanes 0f this Cure~ w ifdome .commands us t<'> be as carefull to preferve our health, , • as to attaine it. Every wi{e man . \V ill be as ~arefull to keepe.him- !:elfc~