felfe welt, as to get 11imfclfe well. And to this parpofe, wee mult rcm.ember the cottnfell of C?fir Phyfician, for, maintaining our h~alth attainedA!J.1ongfl: 1:nany directions pre4 ' Meanes fo faribe.t, I mention foure. to®c. Firft, not to be tampering with our owne medicines, nor the medicines of Egypt, merits, pilgrimages, penance, or the like ; nOl' ~ny quinte[ence or mineraU from the ha11d of any libertine Teacmer : bu.t one1y !wch as wee finale prefcribed in the word of GC)s, by cnr great Doctor. SeGGndly,to keepe our health, we mull: keepe good dyet,both for foule and body. The belt dyet for the foul c, i~, to kecpe Gods l.loures for· our daily repaft by theWord, in reading, and meditating ~nit : which ·D Avitl regarded above his ordinary food. A liberall dyet is befi fgr -- the - 2.