Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

t9;j~~~~~.~~~~~~ T 0 THE RI G.HT WORSHIPFULL, Sill Eo\VARD CLERKE Knight, · one of the Mafiers of his MJjefiies Court of Chancery, and Steward of tbe Towne of Reding: And to his \VOrthie Conforr, the Lady A N N E C L E R K a :· all Happinefs. 0 N 0 URED Friends: By y-o~tr experienced k.jndneffe I ha-pe emboldened Rl'-~JJ:tO-~~~~ my [elfe at thu time, I'D prefont you with ll fow papers ofoJtr ancient fricnd,Reverend Do- -.t.lor T a; tor, whom alive you 6eard gl~dly . The (u~jell of t~em u,the Principles o~ Chn{ban Pratltce. A 11 Philo{ophie - fartb: foch as the Principles are, Juch A 2 lire