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whattbtcroffe i.t. niall we have attained, and there-:- by know what..fitneffe wee have to be Difciples. ~ · (T~k_eHp - iiJ trl{t.] The rt- Tlrt~ is the fecond branch of cond duty the Precept, to tA/c! 11p t ht croft, andn~re_ I and as -Saint luke faith, d~tih. ofa DJfcl- , Wh c. h · fi:/ pie. ere, 10r t e meamng , con tLuk. 9 • 13• der ; . . Three J. What is this croife. ~hings ia 2. Why it is called the cro!fe. n. 3· What·to take it up. ' I. F;~ the firft of thefe. !,BY .a. ~he What the &rtJ11 e ts not-meant any a1J i\.\.Ion crofie is. w hieh belongeth to the common calamities of nature, to which all men of ~U fects a11d pr-ofeffions · are fubje~; nor · any thing fuffe; red by evill doers : But properly the crolfe of a Chriflian is that afflielion and fuffering; which is 1 infiid:ed upon any forth~ profef.:. l.fion ofChrift.and his_trutlj , .. ~nd · for well-doin{f:,Called. tbe l~!Jfe-:- • I. ·. riHl f